GARAGE DOOR INSULATION KIT TO KEEP EXTREME HEAT OUT, FITS 8'x8' GARAGE DOOR. REFLECTIVE FOIL COMMERCIAL GRADE INSULATION. DIY KIT. DIY Single Garage Door Insulation Kit comes with all material and step-by-step instructions. Reflective Foil Panels helps reflect 97% of radiant heat transfer to keep heat ‘out’ in the summer and keep heat ‘in’ during the winter. Up to 30% of heat loss/gain is through Garage doors. This DIY kit makes your garage space more comfortable to work or play in all seasons! Garage Kit. Stay 'warm' in the winter and 'cool' in the summer. Stops 97% of radiant heat loss and Heat Gain using Commercial Grade Reflective Foil. Garage Door Insulation Kit. Up to 30% of Heat Gain and Heat Loss is through Garage Door Panels! Allows comfortable temperatures for Garage work areas or living areas. Conserve energy and save money! Please read attachment ‘Facts About Ecoshades Certified Commercial Grade Reflective Foil’. Using Reflective Foil material that is ‘not’ Certified is not only ineffective but can also be dangerous for indoor use. DIY Kit. Clean material to work with and easy to install. Comes with all material and step-by-step instructions .